You are probably thinking: mosaics are super trendy and stylish; why am I only learning about this now? Well, to clear the air, mosaic designs weren't born just recently. It is probably because we were so used to seeing regular porcelain and ceramic tiles that people started noticing when we started busting the style out. And when people started noticing, that is when the trend started. But mosaics have been around for such a long time. Let's take a quick trip down memory lane for you to get a good idea of how this design came about and how it can inspire your next artistic piece.
Mosaics have been around for ages. And when we say ages? WE. MEAN. AGES. The mosaic concept has been around for at least 4000 years. That's right. We are talking about a timeless trend. One that was used even before technology was an actual word and more so now that it is practically everywhere. The fundamentals of this design stemmed from ancient Mesopotamia (yes, we had to use a little history here) and were made famous by the Ancient Greeks and then the Roman Empire. This spilled over to the Dark Ages, where it was even more popular due to the influence of religion. This meant the style became popular in religious fixtures and buildings like churches, mosques, and practically everywhere during this era.
Nowadays, mosaics are more popularly used as a high fashion statement. Mosaic tiles have shown that they are a force to be reckoned with, especially with how people now use different materials, designs, and patterns to modernize their spaces and create heavy design statements through interior design platforms like Pinterest, YouTube, and other social media channels. Of course, you can check out some of our best designs and use cases for inspiration!
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